Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Big boy/ little boy

“Aadi, are you a little boy or a big boy?”

I threw this at Aadi several times in the last few weeks … as we have been working on weaning the bottle, potty training etc etc. The first few times he seemed confused and I explained to him that big boy gets to watch DVD but big boy does not need a bottle …. and so on and so forth …. so he sees the advantages of growing up and hopefully the sacrifices he has to make will seem minor.

The last time I asked him whether he was a big boy or little, he looked at me for a little bit and then smiled and replied confidently – “ I am Aadi”.

I was stunned. Here is what I heard in his short response:

I am Aadi. Do not tempt me with your labels. I do not want to be big boy or little boy or any other boy. I just want to be Aadi. I am happy with that and you should be too.