“Gangs of Plymouth” performed at the Bengali New Year celebrations yesterday.
Diya was the lead singer. She delivered perfect renditions of her favorite songs “Bees Bees” and “The Ants go Marching”. Proud parents graciously received tons of praises! :)
Aadi’s main role was to refrain from any mischief on-stage. While he made a sneak appearance during another person’s performance – when he simply could not hold his curiosity backstage and inched his way to see “what was out there”, he was shy to be the first one to march on stage when “The Gang” was called on. During the performance he mostly maintained composure and turned around to run away only twice.
Suvo was as usual the “creative director” as well as “stage hands”. He planned, practiced and performed with our star of the day – Diya.
I provided “stage support” (a miscellaneous job description) that involved:
a) bribing the artists to participate (Diya received 1000 points for this performance which will enable her to jump on ocean trampoline next week when we will be in Mexico for family vacation – girl has her priorities) ;
b) getting the artists ready for the show and getting them re-ready when they manage to squeeze a tube of blue tooth paste on themselves after getting them ready the first time;
c) managing last minute bathroom emergencies when some members of the band decide to potty train themselves just when our names were going to be announced, and refused to ‘go’ in the extra capacity diaper which was put in place exactly for such a situation, but insist that they should ‘go’ in the big people bathroom like ‘big kids’ – after all they are stage performers for god’s sake ! (I will not divulge the identity of this particular band mate)
d) last but not the least – making sure that the performers stayed on-stage during the entirety of the performance and did not run away due to stage fright or any other distractions that captured their fancy.
All-in-all a hugely satisfying exndeavor !
Here is the link for the performance: