Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Career discussion with Diya

Diya - Mamma, I don't know what I want to be when I grow up.
Me - Do something in technology or psychology. In the future either people are going to be engineers or mad (to not be engineers).
Diya - hmm, I took an online quiz and it said I will be a good counselor/ psychologist person.
Me - ok
Diya - ... but I don't have time for other people's problems.
Mamma - ok then become an engineer and create your own problems !!!!

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Empathy 1

This year we have decided that we will all learn more about Empathy and have made it part of the family meeting discussions. I am trying to find appropriate material and examples to seed the discussion – like Ted talks, youtube videos, pictures etc and then we talk about how these ideas apply to us. Here is the first session –

#1 The definition and the need (what and why)
Brene Brown you tube cartoon on Empathy.

Aadi found the example hilarious "I think my marriage is falling apart; atleast you have a marriage". I don’t know what he understood from the example but he is the highest frequency user of the word "atleast" ….