Saturday, March 29, 2014

Career Counseling

Diya and Aadi came with us to bring Mishti home
from the breeders, when she was ready at 12 weeks of age. While I was finishing up the paperwork and making the final payment etc, Diya asked the lady -”How much do the puppies cost?”. She answered -”My puppies are two thousand dollars.” I saw Diya's eyes becoming big and the gears starting to turn in her head … and then the question came without any hesitation -”How much profit do you make on them”. The lady was little taken aback but also decided to engage Diya in a collegial sort of way. She explained all the costs involved in running a breeder business and raising puppies and concluded that there is really not much profit in this, they do it because they love to do it. Meanwhile, Aadi was rolling on the ground with puppies jumping on him.
On the drive back, Aadi was pensive and suddenly
declared -”When I grow up, I want to be a breeder”. We were surprised as this is something we expect to hear from Diya not Aadi. Diya constantly shares new plans for her future based on what ever is inspiring her at the moment. Whenever we asked Aadi what he wants to be when he grows up though, his answers have been -”when I grow up I will be Aadi” or “I don't know” or simply “unhh?”. We figured he must have been really touched by the puppies and the breeder to say something like this. But before we could react to it in any way Diya jumped in.
Diya - “Aadi you don't want to do that.”
Aadi - “What?”
Diya - “You don't want to become a breeder. Or maybe this can be your second job. OR something you can do after you retire …”
Aadi - “Why?”
Diya - “There is no money in it. You need a job where you can make money.” (conversation closed)
Aadi has been mulling over it since then. We were amazed (&alarmed) at our 8 yrs old giving career advice to our 4 yrs old.
Later I had a heart to heart with Diya and shared my thoughts that we should not pick a job just because of money … it has to be something you love to do and are good at it naturally ... otherwise you'd be miserable. Her answer was “ Oh that ... ya ya ya”. As if that part was completely obvious. Since then she has discusses with me many times about one job or another … mostly she is interested to find out the relative compensation packages but then knowing where I will take the conversation adds …. and I know you have to be good at doing it and like it too :).
Recently, one day when Suvo went to pick her up after school she showed him what they did that day …. on a wall there were sheets of paper where everyone in the class had written their names, hobbies, names of pets and what they wanted to be when they grew up. Many of her classmates are still fantasizing about superheros and fairies … wishing to develop magical powers as they grow up. Diya's sheet stood out with “I want to be a doctor and a teacher”. Suvo asked her why she wrote that and she said … because these are the highest paying jobs! I am hoping she added in her mind the other criteria that we have been talking about.
But in any case … if that is what she wants to do then we are looking at an MD PhD …. gosh we need to a bigger college education budget!!!!!!!!! (I wonder where she learned to worry about money so much?! :))
P.S.: We are on vacation in Florida this week and Diya has started inquiring about prices of houses and cost of living here !

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