Sunday, May 23, 2010

We love this Earth and everything that creeps and crawls in it ....

I found this picture of Diya holding an earthworm while digging through some old folders. It brought back one of my very fond memories.

This was when Diya was about two and a half yrs old. She had suddenly grown a passion for gardening ... taking it, no doubt, from our neighbour (& Diya's best friend) Cathy.

One evening Diya donned her gardening gloves and hat, took her rake and shovel and set out to "work". (By this time I had trained my self to keep "an ear" on her as opposed to 'keeping an eye on her'. This always works as she chatters non-stop - even when she is playing alone. She talks to herself, some times she play acts where she changes voices as she plays out different characters.) Anyways, I realized that I had not heard her voice for few minutes and panicked. I ran outside to find her intently bent on a patch of dirt that she had dug. Relieved that she was fine, I just waited to see what had captured her attention so completely & drove her to silence. Soon enough she pulled out something long & slender from the dirt. Before I even realized what it was - it started wiggling @#$#%#% !!!! She gently put the earthworm on her palm and started talking to it ..... I totally freaked out and started screaming at her to drop the thing. She informed that it was not dangerous and that she LOVES worms. I told her it was very very dirty and she should not pick it up and that her play time was over and she should go take a bath. I went in to get her bath ready and returned 5mins later to find a very curious display on our deck. There were kitchen tupperware of assorted sizes lined up with different levels & different degrees of muddy water in them. I marched out and demanded what was going on - Diya was startled, she looked up at me with her innocent eyes and said ".... but you told me the worms were dirty, I am giving them a bath" !!!

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