Two episodes in the last few days left me misty eyed as I watched the brother-sister bond growing right in front of me.
Episode 1: Diya came back from daycare cranky as usual and after a lot of fuss I was able to send her to take a shower. Meanwhile Suvo made himself busy in the backyard and I was playing with Aadi. Diya suddenly decided she had enough shower for one day and started yelling for me to come get her out of the shower and get her ready. Now that Aadi is VERY mobile, I did not dare leave him alone and so I carried him to the bathroom. Diya immediately got upset and wanted me to "help her with both hands" which meant putting Aadi down on the bathroom floor where he could feast on all the yuck on the floor. I of course "politely declined" and asked her to get ready herself and walked back to the living room - Aadi still straddled on my hip. Diya followed us wrapped in a towel and bawling. This is when the surprise came .... Aadi started fussing and wanted to get down from my lap. I let him go .... he crawled over to his sister, who by now was sprawled on the floor, he went and gave her a bear hug and planted a kiss on her face (which looks more like licking her face). I was stunned to see how sensitive he is. But this did not stop here. Diya was inconsolable and continued crying. He then left her and crawled back to me and started pulling my clothes and dragging me to her. He wanted me to console her and take care of her !
Episode 2: Suvo and I have been thinking about some DIY landscaping in our front yard for the last ... lets see ... about 5 yrs. Somehow we just don't seem to find the time or energy. Finally we gave up on doing it ourselves and decided to outsource. The contractor came in this morning for scoping the project and giving us some quotes etc. Of course Aadi immediately capitalized on this golden opportunity to be outdoors with nobody watching him like a hawk, and started scavenging for rabit p**p. (Note: Diya was missing from this picture until now as she was "building a zoo" in her room - which involved arranging panels from a dismantled wire rack like a cage and putting her soft toys inside. She even had a little baby toy who was the visiting the zoo.)
Meanwhile it started raining outside and we had to move indoors. Aadi got very upset to have his treasure hunt terminated so abruptly. Once indoors we has to console him by starting a baby einstien video that he loves. Well mostly loves ... there is a scene in it where a cow (real not cartoon) walk up to the camera and moos loudly. Not sure which part of baby's brain is this scene supposed to develop - but it scared the heck out of Aadi and left him wailing. Before we could respond - Diya materialized from no where and rushed to her baby brother and hugged him and patted his back until he calmed down. Aadi watched the rest of the video sitting in Diya's lap !
Some times I can believe that there will be a day when they will not need us so much and will take care of themselves and each other. Maybe we will find time to sit on that yet to be constructed patio after all ... :)
Ankur Di,
ReplyDeleteYou are doing a great job of documenting down the nuanced moments of Aadi and Diya. These are the moments which often get unnoticed and even if noted, are forgotten when the next one happens. Waiting for the next instalment of Aadi's and Diya's present; and therefore future. All in all fascinating reads, and the fun part is, the fascination reach mighty proportions when I get to meet them.
These anecdotes do contract my fifteen facial muscles, half-closing my larynx that makes me gasp for air and finally getting my tear duct activated. Bring them on and more of it.